American Nylon Banner Style Sleeve Flag by Annin, 30" x 48"
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American Nylon Banner Style Sleeve Flag by Annin, 30" x 48"

Product ID: 456269567
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If you're looking for a high-quality, . flag , there is no reason to look further than Annin Flagmakers. Since 1847, Annin Flagmakers has been the standard by which . flags are made. As largest manufacturer and distributor of . flags, Annin Flagmakers takes great pride in having supplied Old Glory to every President since Zachary Taylor. . historic flags, the flag that draped Abraham Lincoln's coffin, Cup yacht flags, the first . flag raised at Iwo Jima, flags for the United Nations, flags for the . Olympic Committee, the . flag at the 9/11 Memorial and the Apollo 11 mission to the moon¦Annin has made them all. In the most patriotic of times, s look to Annin Flagmakers to supply them with the Stars & Stripes. All Annin Flagmakers . flags are sewn in either South Boston, VA or Coshocton, OH. Homeowners, businesses, schools and municipalities currently fly . flags made by Annin Flagmakers in cities, towns and neighborhoods across . Annin's superior quality is time-tested and meets the requirements of the most discerning buyer. Nyl-Glo, Tough-Tex and Bulldog are registered trademarks and manufactured exclusively by Annin Flagmakers. Flag 2 ½ x 4 ft. Nylon SolarGuard Nyl-Glo, Sewn Stripes, Embroidered Stars and Banner-Style Pole Sleeve.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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