Anger Management Strategies Chart for Kids - Magnetic, Laminated Behavior Chart for Kids - Calm Down Chart - Classroom Management Chart | Coping Skills Chart | 8.5 x 11 inch
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Anger Management Strategies Chart for Kids - Magnetic, Laminated Behavior Chart for Kids - Calm Down Chart - Classroom Management Chart | Coping Skills Chart | 8.5 x 11 inch

Product ID: 467806901
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Help kids handle their anger in healthier ways with our new 6 Things to Try When I'm Angry laminated card with magnets. When a child melts down and becomes aggressive, he or she can pose a serious risk to himself and others, including caregivers, parents and siblings. Learning to connect with and control emotions improves performance at school and at home. This magnetic chart is a useful tool in teaching children anger management strategies. Colorful and easy to read, this kids behavioral chart lists the following 6 cool down strategies for children when they're mad: 1) Tightly hug or squeeze a pillow or toy 2) Take a few slow, deep breaths 3) Slowly count to 10 or say the letters of the alphabet 4) Use my words to express how I’m feeling 5) Talk to a friend, teacher, parent, or grandparent 6) Take a break to calm down and do something I enjoy Perfect for parents and caregivers of young children, daycare centers, elementary schools and preschools, and the school nurse's office. Each chart measures 11 x 8.5 inches. Sturdy laminated cards have 4 magnets on the backside and attach to any magnetic surface Made in the USA.It is never too soon to teach a child how to control his or her anger so that it doesn't control them!

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