Magic Mixies Sparkle Magic Crystal Ball with Exclusive Interactive 8 inch Sparkle Plush Toy and 80+ Sounds and Reactions, Electronic Pet, Ages 5+
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Magic Mixies Sparkle Magic Crystal Ball with Exclusive Interactive 8 inch Sparkle Plush Toy and 80+ Sounds and Reactions, Electronic Pet, Ages 5+

Product ID: 475531705
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Real Magic Returns when you cast your spell and create a fortune telling pet inside the exclusive Magic Mixies "Sparkle Magic" Crystal Ball! From the makers of the Magic Mixie Magic Cauldron, it's now time to work on your spell-casting skills and make Real Magic happen inside this feature packed magical misting Crystal Ball! Create your very own fortune-telling Magic Mixie by performing the Creation Spell using your light-up interactive magic wand. Be amazed as your Crystal Ball magically responds to your wand's movements! For each step of the Creation Spell, you will need to master the correct wand movement and say the magic word for that step. First, awaken the Crystal Ball, then summon real magical mist before giving your Magic Mixie its voice and color! Then teach it how to tell fortunes before saying the magical words ‘MAGICUS MIXUS’ and bringing your Mixie to life! Watch as colorful lights and sounds move and change while the magic happens inside…then, as the mist clears your Magic Mixie magically appears! Remove the top of the Crystal Ball to release your cute new sparkly and interactive plush toy pet! The magic and fun has only just begun, once your remove your new pet from the Crystal Ball, use your magic wand to interact with your Magic Mixie. Perform different spells, play an interactive fun game together and have your fortune told by your cute little creation! Tickle and nurture your Mixie and hear them react as you build a magical friendship together. Your Magic Mixies Crystal Ball can be reset so you can perform the mist-filled reveal inside your Crystal Ball again and again using your Magic Mixie or other items from home! A Magical Mist Refill Pack for your Crystal Ball is available and sold separately so you can keep the magic alive! The Crystal Ball can also be used as a Night-Light for a magical bed time each night. Real Magic is just waiting to be revealed. Who will you magically create? Real Magic Returns when you cast your spell and create a fortune telling pet inside the exclusive Magic Mixies "Sparkle Magic" Crystal Ball! From the makers of the Magic Mixie Magic Cauldron, it's now time to work on your spell-casting skills and make Real Magic happen inside this feature packed magical misting Crystal Ball! Create your very own fortune-telling Magic Mixie by performing the Creation Spell using your light-up interactive magic wand. Be amazed as your Crystal Ball magically responds to your wand's movements! For each step of the Creation Spell, you will need to master the correct wand movement and say the magic word for that step. First, awaken the Crystal Ball, then summon real magical mist before giving your Magic Mixie its voice and color! Then teach it how to tell fortunes before saying the magical words ‘MAGICUS MIXUS’ and bringing your Mixie to life! Watch as colorful lights and sounds move and change while the magic happens inside…then, as the mist clears your Magic Mixie magically appears! Remove the top of the Crystal Ball to release your cute new sparkly and interactive plush toy pet! The magic and fun has only just begun, once your remove your new pet from the Crystal Ball, use your magic wand to interact with your Magic Mixie. Perform different spells, play an interactive fun game together and have your fortune told by your cute little creation! Tickle and nurture your Mixie and hear them react as you build a magical friendship together. Your Magic Mixies Crystal Ball can be reset so you can perform the mist-filled reveal inside your Crystal Ball again and again using your Magic Mixie or other items from home! A Magical Mist Refill Pack for your Crystal Ball is available and sold separately so you can keep the magic alive! The Crystal Ball can also be used as a Night-Light for a magical bed time each night. Real Magic is just waiting to be revealed. Who will you magically create? Your interactive light up wand reacts with your Crystal Ball and your Magic Mixie! Watch as REAL Magic happens with the wave your Wand! Perform each step of the Creation Spell to summon the magic mist, give your Mixie its voice and color, then teach it how to tell fortunes. You'll be amazed as your Mixie magically appears through the mist! Create an Exclusive Magic Mixie with spell-binding sparkly plush from the "Sparkle Magic" Crystal Ball! Your Mixie is full of magic and wants to share it with you! Perform different spells, play an interactive fun game together and have your fortune told! The Magical Crystal Ball can be used again and again! Reset it so you can perform the mist-filled creation process or reveal other items inside. You can also use your Crystal Ball as a Night-Light for a magical bed time routine!

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