Shield On EMF Protective Paint is a durable, easy-to- apply, straight from the container, water- based paint for ceilings, walls, and doors, inside or out. It’s easy to handle, can be rolled on similar to ordinary wall paint, and can be applied by a knowledgeable user, but does require grounding, which may call for the assistance of a qualified professional for optimum assurances. Shield On EMF Protective Paint provides highly effective blocking of radio and lower microwave frequencies up to 18GHz, including frequencies used for remotely-controlled toys, radar, TV, AM & FM radio, satellite receivers, cellular phone frequencies, and WiFi, just to name a few and without the need for additional fibers or meshes. Shield On EMF Protective Paint is environmentally friendly, while combining a high-quality pure acrylic binder that provides good adhesion with common surfaces and substrates, like latex paint, wallboard, and cement, with a holohedral carbon structure that provides 99.8% room protection and consistent attenuation, regardless of the direction of signal polarization, with a single coat. Surfaces protected are highly conductive, water resistant, corrosion resistant, and its carbon composition also absorbs RF, such that roughly 10% of its protective capabilities are a result of its absorption capabilities, which reduces reflection and therefore minimizes the risk from RF sources that may be located inside the shielded area. Shield On is appropriate for home, industrial, research, and educational applications. It has been formulated for interior or exterior application and to be covered by most aesthetically pleasing overcoats or most commonly with one-coat latex paint of any color. Like any other RF shielding material, Shield On requires appropriate grounding. As wholesaler we deliver to a global network of retailers, as well as companies and private customers directly.
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